Realtek device drivers for Windows

Realtek driver for ALC203 and Windows XP 64bit

A complete list of available sound device drivers for Realtek ALC203. On this page, you will find all available drivers listed by release date for the Windows XP 64bit operating system. From the following list, select any driver and try it on your device.

|Choose a driver version|Wählen Sie einen Treiberversion|Выберите версию драйвера|एक ड्राइवर संस्करण चुनें|Elija una versión del controlador|Escolha uma versão do driver|Επιλέξτε μια έκδοση του προγράμματος οδήγησης|选择一个驱动程序版本|ドライバのバージョンを選択してください|

Version (4.06)

OS Windows XP 64bit
Release 2008-10-01 [October '08]
Status WHQL signature
File wdm_a406.exe
Downloaded 936397×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

    Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)
    For ALC101, ALC201, ALC201A, ALC202, ALC202A, ALC203, ALC250, ALC650, ALC653, ALC655, ALC658 and ALC850
    1. For special customize settings.
    2. Update Realtek 3D engine.
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Version (4.05)

OS Windows XP 64bit
Release 2008-08-11 [August '08]
Status WHQL signature
File wdm_a405.exe
Downloaded 72517×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

    Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)
    For ALC101, ALC201, ALC201A, ALC202, ALC202A, ALC203, ALC250, ALC650, ALC653, ALC655, ALC658 and ALC850
    1. Update Realtek 3D engine.
    2. For special customize settings.
    3. Fix blue screen issue.
    4. For ATI chipset missing sound 1s when playing music.
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Version (4.04)

OS Windows XP 64bit
Release 2008-01-31 [January '08]
Status WHQL signature
File wdm_a404.exe
Downloaded 30796×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

    Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)
    For ALC101, ALC201, ALC201A, ALC202, ALC202A, ALC203, ALC250, ALC650, ALC653, ALC655, ALC658 and ALC850
    1. Update Realtek 3D engine.
    2. For special customize settings.
    3. Fix blue screen issue.
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Version (4.03)

OS Windows XP 64bit
Release 2007-11-07 [November '07]
Status WHQL signature
File wdm_a403.exe
Downloaded 11485×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

    Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)
    For ALC101, ALC201, ALC201A, ALC202, ALC202A, ALC203, ALC250, ALC650, ALC653, ALC655, ALC658 and ALC850
    1. Update Realtek 3D engine.
    2. For special customize settings.
    3. Fix blue screen issue.
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Version (4.02)

OS Windows XP 64bit
Release 2007-10-12 [October '07]
Status WHQL signature
File wdm_a402.exe
Downloaded 7327×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

    Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)
    For ALC101, ALC201, ALC201A, ALC202, ALC202A, ALC203, ALC250, ALC650, ALC653, ALC655, ALC658 and ALC850
    1. Update Realtek 3D engine.
    2. For special customize settings.
    3. Fix no sound issue when Hibernate back for ATI chipset.
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Version (4.01)

OS Windows XP 64bit
Release 2007-08-17 [August '07]
Status WHQL signature
File wdm_a401.exe
Downloaded 7305×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

    Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)
    For ALC101, ALC201, ALC201A, ALC202, ALC202A, ALC203, ALC250, ALC650, ALC653, ALC655, ALC658 and ALC850
    1. Sync HPOut and MonoOut Volume with Master Volume.
    2. Update Realtek 3D engine.
    3. For SPDIF mute issue with SPDIF from SB.
    4. For special customize settings.
    5. For DTM Testing Surprise Remove Hang up issue.
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Version (4.00)

OS Windows XP 64bit
Release 2007-05-08 [May '07]
Status WHQL signature
File wdm_a400.exe
Downloaded 7228×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

    Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)
    For ALC101, ALC201, ALC201A, ALC202, ALC202A, ALC203, ALC250, ALC650, ALC653, ALC655, ALC658 and ALC850
    1. special customize settings
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Version (3.99)

OS Windows XP 64bit
Release 2007-03-23 [March '07]
Status WHQL signature
File wdm_a399.exe
Downloaded 7256×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

    Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)
    For ALC101, ALC201, ALC201A, ALC202, ALC202A, ALC203, ALC250, ALC650, ALC653, ALC655, ALC658 and ALC850
    1. For special customize settings.
    2. For unknow chipset resource issue.
    3. Fix CEN and SURR have output in 2 channel issue.
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Version (3.98)

OS Windows XP 64bit
Release 2007-02-06 [February '07]
Status WHQL signature
File wdm_a398.exe
Downloaded 14835×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

    Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)
    For ALC101, ALC201, ALC201A, ALC202, ALC202A, ALC203, ALC250, ALC650, ALC653, ALC655, ALC658 and ALC850
    1. special customize settings
Download driverfor ALC203

Latest Windows 10 64bit drivers

Version Date DNL
2.10.1061.3011 2024-01-31 3678×
10.0.22631.21370 2024-01-26 236×
6001.16.126.313 2024-01-18 1284×
10.0.22000.20312 2024-01-11 182×
10.0.22000.20311 2024-01-02 23×

Latest Windows 11 64bit drivers

Version Date DNL
2.10.1061.3011 2024-01-31 3678×
10.0.22631.21370 2024-01-26 236×
6001.16.126.313 2024-01-18 1284×
10.0.22000.20312 2024-01-11 182×
10.0.22000.20311 2024-01-02 23×

Latest Realtek PDF's

PDF Datasheet Date
RTL8722 2021-08-03
RTL8721 2021-08-03
RTL8125 2020-07-22
RTL8720 2019-04-24
RTL8671 2019-04-10

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